Maíganga / A Walk in May

Performed in May 2018.

A performance, installation and sound piece on sensing and interacting on ones immediate environment; the effect of paper as material, color and sound and the relation between socio-political engagement, spirituality and nature, architecture and non-architecture. In a triangulation between the Theosophical Society in Reykjavik, Andrými – a radical social space, and Mt.Helgafell the paper and color play an active role as a combining agent for all three scenes together with the choir.

The work was composed for The Icelandic Sound Poetry Choir, a sound and performance choir in Reykjavik that is made up of a community of artists and friends and conducted by composer Pétur Eggertsson. The video and sound documentation and the flags are part of the Living Art Museum Collection.

Maður og náttúra eða andlegt og veraldlegt er hér stillt upp sem samstæðum en ekki andstæðum, straumum sem ferðast samhliða með snertiflötum og samverkandi þáttum.

Verkið byggir á hlustun og svörun, hlustun á manngert rými, efnisheiminn eða umhverfið og hlustun á því rými sem er innra með hverjum og einum.  Fánarnir endurspegla þetta ferli, þeir eru úr papppír og vatnslit sem er á sífelldri hreyfingu og efnislegri umbreytingu með umhverfinu. Litirnir hafa sömuleiðis áhrif en þeir sýna grunnlitirna í prenti.