Ofið / Woven

Research residency in Banff Art Centre Canada, 2018 and Veröld – House of Vigdís, University of Iceland in 2019.

On the connection between art and permaculture.

The starting point or „transfer object“ was a photograph of a woven basket from mid 17th century made by Fjalla-Eyvindur, a well known outlaw in the highlands of Iceland who was also known for his crafts.

Materials used: Bronz casting, roots of a Rose bush from the medical garden near by, copper wire, Sweetgrass from the shop, clay painted with watercolor and graphite, raku fired clay, watercolor on Yupo paper, hand made paper, digital print, drawing and photography.

The work was exhibited in Veröld – House of Vigdís, University of Iceland in 2019, in the group show Transitions together with Anna Þorvaldsdóttir composer, Unnar Örn, Olivia Plender, Kristin Ómardóttir writer and Ragnar Kjartansson.